In May 2018, the Park County Commission assembled a small stakeholder committee to provide oversight and guidance to the Fairgrounds Master Plan process.  A master plan is a dynamic long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Master planning is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments.

Since its inception, the Master Plan Committee met 23 times with more than a dozen different stakeholder groups and hundreds of individuals during events, listening sessions, meetings tours, and workshops.  As a result, the Master Plan, which reflects a collective community vision for the future of the Park County Fairgrounds, is nearly finished.  To wrap up the work of the committee, three public meetings and a final report will be completed in the fall of 2019. More information about the Master Plan process can be found here: https://www.parkcounty.org/Government-Departments/Fairgrounds-Parks/Fairgrounds-Master-Plan/

Master Plan Overall Phasing

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