Click Here Online Access to Septic Permits

Public Login Credentials for Septic Permits:

Entity ID: 4975

Username: 49public

Password: P@rkCounty2022!

It is the goal of this department is to: 

1) Provide public health protection, 
2) Offer educational & training opportunities,
3) Supply beneficial information, and
4) Enforce health protection standards as outlined by the State of Montana or Federal government guidelines.

Sanitarian, General Questions, Food, Public Accommodations, Licensed Establishments


Scott Konley, MS, SIT

P. 406-222-4145

Administrative Assistant

Trish Fievet                                                                

P. 406-222-4145                                                

F. 406-222-4763

We are often out doing Inspections.

Please call for an appointment:


Food Services

Septic Regulations 

DEQ Circular 4 - Subsurface Wastewater Treatment Systems

Learn about the care and Maintenance of your Well & Septic Systems

Installer and Site Evaluators License Application

Septic Permit Application

Water Sample Information

How to Collect Water Sample

Chain of Custody Application

Pricing for Different Water Samples


General Environmental Health Complaint Form


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