Honorable Clay Herbst
Valerie Utley
Maryann Eisenstein
Open Court: Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. SHARP. Check In at 8:30 AM.
Please call the Court at (406)222-4170 or email at Contact for more information.
Court appearances: are on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. SHARP. Check In at 8:30 AM.
Justice Court email address is: Contact
Remote appearance are available through Zoom for defendants who do not reside in Montana upon request and approval from Judge Clay Herbst. Written requests should be emailed to Contact prior to the date of appearance on your citation(s) or summons.
**Under Montana Law, you have the right to represent yourself, but along with that privilege, comes the obligation to know how to proceed. It is against the law for anyone who is not an attorney to give legal advice. Legal advice could be described as, but is not limited to how to proceed; what to file; offering interpretation of the rules; recommending a course of action; predicting a judicial officers' decision; and interpreting the meaning of effect of any Court Order or Judgment.
Public Access Portals are available at no cost: https://courts.mt.gov/Courts/portals.
However, any copies requested will cost $1.00 a page and prepayment is required if the case number and documents requested is provided.
There is a $25.00 fee per records request and prepayment is required.
Record Search Request Form
Exception: Law Enforcement, Legal Services, Government Agencies and Attorneys of record on the case will not be charged for copies of records.
NOTE: That while we will do our best to process requests in a timely manner, it may take up to two weeks for a record search to be completed.