FAQs – Orders of Protection

Can I keep my address confidential?

YES, except for the Court and Law Enforcement.

Will I see the judge when I file?

The judge will review your Petition.  The judge may require you to appear before granting a Temporary Order of Protection.  If granted, the judge will issue a Temporary Order of Protection, a date will be set for hearing within 20 days for a hearing on the petition. At the hearing, all parties will have an opportunity to be heard by the judge.  The judge may grant the petition of an Order of Protection for a specific time period or deny.

Can I file a Petition for an Order of Protection to protect my property?

NO.  However, an Order of Protection may contain a provision that your property can not be destroyed.

How much does an Order of Protection cost?

There is NO COST that you are required to pay.


Can I file an Order of Protection on behalf of my minor child/children?

YES,  you will fill out the Petition as the Petitioner.

Do I need to include a police report?

No. However, if you have filed a police report, it is helpful for the Judge if you include it with your petition.

 Need Help filling out the petition?

Resources are available in Park County to help your through this process:

Victim Witness Coordinator through Park County Attorney’s Office - 406-222-4150

ASPEN - 406-222-8154

When does my Temporary Order of Protection go into effect?

Immediately upon issuance.  The Temporary Order of Protection remains in effect until the hearing on the petition. If a hearing has been set click on the link below: preparing for the hearing, so you will know how to prepare and be prepared for your hearing.


How to Obtain an Order of Protection

Temporary Order of Protection Petition

Preparing for the Hearing

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