Cases of Covid-19 have never been higher in Park County. In the past three days, roughly 150 people have tested positive for Covid-19.
The Health Department will continue to call everyone who tests positive for Covid-19. This could take up to 24 hours. The incoming call may be from an unknown number. If you are waiting for a test result and have symptoms, please stay home. If you need emergency care, call 911.
Due to the high number of positive cases, there will be changes in the way close contacts of positive cases will be notified. These changes will follow CDC and DPHHS guidance to most effectively reduce the spread of Covid-19. The Health Department will prioritize those who live or work in settings where the risk of widespread transmission is greatest such as group living situations, schools, and crowded workplaces.
If a person testing positive is in a low-risk setting, they may be asked to notify their own close contacts with guidance from the Health Department.